Scrap rate today in United States

Get today's or the latest prices for metals from different scrap yards across United States. These rates are from 500+ Scrap Yards in different provinces.

Scrap metal rate today
Metal Price ($) Updated
Crushed Cars $148.50/ton 06/04/2024
CRT $0.00/lb 06/04/2024
CPU Chips $3.30/lb 06/04/2024
Copper Yokes $0.45/lb 06/04/2024
Copper Turnings $2.45/lb 06/04/2024
Copper Transformers $0.24/lb 06/04/2024
Copper Scrap $2.53/lb 06/04/2024
Computer Wire $0.46/lb 06/04/2024
Compressors $0.21/lb 06/04/2024
Composition Scrap $2.19/lb 06/04/2024
Complete Car $178.80/ton 06/04/2024
Communications Wire $1.12/lb 06/04/2024
Cobalt $1.50/lb 06/04/2024
Clean Roofing Copper $2.83/lb 06/04/2024
Clean Brass Turnings $1.54/lb 06/04/2024
Clean Brass Radiators $1.89/lb 06/04/2024
Clean AL/Copper Fin $1.53/lb 06/04/2024
Clean AL Wire $1.63/lb 06/04/2024
Clean ACR $1.58/lb 06/04/2024
Circuit Breakers $0.01/lb 06/04/2024

Steel: Steel is the most commonly recycled metal in the world, and the US is no exception. This durable and versatile metal is found in a wide range of products, including cars, appliances, and construction materials. Scrap steel is often melted down and reused in the production of new steel products.

Copper: Copper is a valuable scrap metal that is commonly found in electrical wiring, plumbing fixtures, and other construction materials. Because of its high conductivity and durability, copper is a popular choice for many industrial and consumer products. Scrap copper can be melted down and reused in the production of new copper products.

Brass: Brass is an alloy made from copper and zinc that is commonly used in plumbing fixtures, electrical components, and decorative items. Because of its corrosion resistance and durability, scrap brass is often melted down and reused in the production of new brass products.

Lead: Lead is a heavy and malleable metal that is commonly used in batteries, construction materials, and ammunition. Although lead is a toxic material and requires special handling, it is often recycled and reused in the production of new lead products.

Zinc: Zinc is a versatile and widely used metal that has numerous applications in various industries. It is often used as a coating to protect other metals from corrosion and is also used in the production of alloys, such as brass and bronze.